Welcome to our latest quarterly newsletter for 2024
In our first article, we outline each of the superannuation changes that came into effect on 1 July and how some of these changes may impact you.
Most families find discussing death and inheritance planning unpleasant, however, to ensure your wishes are carried out the way you intend, it’s important to have a will in place. Discover more here.
Generally, you are unable to get access to your super until you are 60 years of age, however, there are some circumstances where you may be able to access your super. We explain more in this article.
Working out how much you’ll need in retirement can be tricky but there are some guidelines to help you plan ahead. Here, we give you an idea of how much you might need in retirement.
While we all dream of having a longer holiday, sometimes it’s not possible. There is a new type of vacation called ‘microcation’. Find out how this trendy little type of holiday is squeezing all the benefits of a big vacation into a short break.
We love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact us with any questions about our articles in this newsletter on Ph: 02 9975 4433 or email christine_gagen@lifetrack.com.au
Kind regards,
Lifetrack Financial Services